
Stibo Complete produces packaging and insert leaflets for a large number of production companies from the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

At our pharma competence centre, we develop and produce:

•    Insert leaflets

•    Booklets

Quality assurance and documentation

We produce insert leaflets to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines. All steps of the process are documented, which makes it possible to track the entire process.

It is also possible to identify the individual insert leaflet throughout the entire process, both mechanically by means of barcodes and visually using flutter marks. A manual exit check is performed before releasing the order for shipment.

We work in line with current domestic and international directives for the various aspects of the manufacturing process relating to the services we operate. Our employees who are involved in production for the pharmaceutical industry have also been trained in GMP regulations. We also continue to work towards strengthening our employees' awareness of quality issues.

Stibo Complete is ISO 9001 certified and operates on a daily basis in accordance with relevant requirements from the international 'Eudralex vol. IV (EU)' and FDA (US) directives, all of which are implemented into our procedure and instructions.

Read more about our certifications here.

Your benefits

ISO 9001 certified and experienced manufacturer of inserts, booklets and packaging
Effective copy protection with visible and invisible anti-copy features
Production of inserts in accordance with GMP
Trained and qualified personnel
Documented and traceable process
QC exit control

Relevant case studies